for comments so far

having hundreds of blogs (journals, diaries, etc) over the years and many dozens still active right now, i need another one like i need another hole in my head (which is what blogs are, actually, cuz so much pours out into them but that’s a metaphor for another time), so for the moment i am creating this account to comment here at wordpress… i could have sworn i created an account here before, a few times even, in fact, i think this may be my blog cuz it is my name, after all, but i don’t recall the email or password i used at the time, so it sits dormant… anyway, this account lets me comment on wordpress blogs as a wordpress user and lets you know a bit (or a lot) more about me icywtk (in case you want to know)… feel free to browse my world, my online world, that is… to browse my offline world, you’ll have to find me (doesn’t take much, my number is all over the web… i probably won’t answer if i don’t know your number, but if you leave a sincere or clever enough message, you just might get a call back… can the world get any more exciting than this?)… g’nite

make today spectacular, or at least better than boring…
